Monday, December 8, 2008

Adderall - Miracle Pill?

Exams are here and it seems like everyone is feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. With the final exams worth a large portion of our final grade, these tests have a huge impact on an entire semester's worth of work and time. I know that I for one have been having lots of late-night cramming sessions in Fondren and have seen maybe of my classmates there looking equally exhausted and loaded with books. Its not uncommon to hear that someone has been up all night before a test after taking an Adderall, even though they aren't prescribed by their doctor. Is this a bad or fair?

Adderall is a pill that helps the brain control its ability to focus and pay attention. Millions diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are prescribed and the pill helps them to work and study better and millions more unprescribed users, mostly college students, have been using Adderall to help them pass. Many of my friends who are both prescribed and unprescribed have been taking them in the past few days to help study for exams.

Is it fair or okay for those undiagnosed with ADD or ADHD to take Adderall? Have any of you noticed or seen your friends give or sell these pills?

Sunday, November 30, 2008


I commented on Greek Girl's post "Untraditional Thanksgiving" from November 28th. I also commented on Northern Girl in the South's blog post regarding Gossip Girl named "Addicting Shows, Addicting Ideas."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

William Least Heat-Moon -- How great is our heritage's influence on our lives?

After being published in 1982, William Least Heat-Moon's literary account of his journey along the back roads of the United States has become something of a classic. In his book, Blue Highways: A Journey Into America, Heat-Moon drives across the country after being left by his wife and fired from his job. Throughout the story, he meets several unique characters whose lives are greatly influenced and shaped by the land they have lived on all while wresting with his own conflicted views on his Native American roots. How does Heat-Moon feel about his heritage and how does is compare to the attitudes of Fritz and Miz Alice?

Heat-Moon seems to have a more unsure and sarcastic attidute towards his Native American background. He is skeptical about their way of doing things and thinking. He rejects the ideas regarding the importance of bloodlines and says he will "choose for heart, for spirit, but never for blood" (5). While he respects his family and his elders, he seems to be unsure of their culture's relevance in modern times.

Fritz and Heat-Moon first meet in the cafeteria of Southern Utah State College. Fritz is also a Native American whose heritage is clearly plays a large role in his life. His strong tie to his land is apparent and he exclaims "our land really is our Sacred Circle - it's our strength" (182). Fritz is much more emphatic about the importance of his roots in his life and unlike Heat-Moon, hopes to continue the lifestyle by becoming a Hopi doctor. Also, Miz Alice represents a character who is greatly influenced by her home, Smith Island. She has lived on the small, Northeastern island her whole life in complete isolation from the rest of society. Therefore, she has become entirely self-sufficient and strong. She respects the island for what it is and what it has given to her and acknowledges its importance.

Everyone wrestles with their past and heritage. Just how much should we let our upbringing influence our lives? By examining Heat-Moon, Fritz, and Miz Alice, we see three unique and interesting alternatives.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sarah Palin - Queen of Controversy Re-Visitedf

A lot has been said about John McCain's recent vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin. Before her jump into the spotlight, this unknown Alaskan governor probably never dreamed of the media frenzy she spark. It seems as if everyone has an opinion on this woman, and a very strong one in fact. Love her or hate her, has the "Palin Mania" gone too far?

Some of the leading Palin critics come from Hollywood and have enjoyed plugging their disapproval McCain's choice in any possible situation. Tina Fey's biting impersonation on Saturday Night Live portrayed her as a redneck with a highly distinctive accent and brought in record viewing numbers for the popular satirical show. Film star Matt Damon has a joined the celebrity chorus and calls the pick a "disaster." There are countless online spoofs of Sarah Palin and her family. Just try googling her name and see what comes up.

She has a total of a little under 2 years in state government. In comparison, Sen. Obama has 7 years of experience in state government and 3 years in federal government. If she assumes the presidency within McCain's first term, she would assume office with less experience beyond the local level in the government than any other president of the United States

I know that our right to freedom of speech is at the very heart of our democracy, but there is a very possible chance that this lady could be the Vice President of the United States. If we can't even stand together to at least bear with Sarah Palin, how can we expect the rest of the world to take us seriously? I say we keep our mouths shut for the moment and speak at the polls this November


I commented on Different Idea's post, "Modern Day Hitler." It was a very interesting blog regarding a recent experience at a Southern Baptist Church. I reccommend reading it!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Celebrity Endorsements - Who Really Cares?

With only a few weeks left until election day, it seems as if politics are on everyone's minds and lips lately. This groundbreaking election is gearing up to be one for the books and everyone, and I mean everyone, seems to have some opinion on it. While political discussion among the people is certainly not a bad thing, am I the only one who thinks the seemingly endless celebrity endorsements making the news are getting a little ridiculous?

Its no doubt our culture is celebrity obsessed and society is greatly influenced by our favorite musicians or actors. We look to them for the latest fashions and trends but should or could they influence our vote for the president of the United States? I sure hope not. Although their endorsements stem from various reasons and issues, dozens of celebrities have publicly announced support for candidates for the 2008 primary election.

Countless celebrities have endorsed both cantidates, in particular Barack Obama. He even has a music video dedicated towards him. While celebrity support is interesting news, it should not be a driving force in choosing one's vote. In my opinion, they should stick to entertaining, rather than politically persuading the American people.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I commented on Goose's post regarding JuicyCampus and the controversy it has recently stirred on the SMU campus. I also commented on Thyrston's "Letters of WRECKommendaton." I thought both of these posts were very relevant to students and touched on big issues on campus.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Comment in Goose's Blog, "Help Wanted"

I commented on Goose's blog post regarding a difficult situation with her roommate, "Help Wanted." Here is the link,

Clothes Call - Dress up or dress down?

It's 8 in the morning and your suddenly woken by your vibrating cell phone alarm. You spend the next five minutes brushing your teeth (hopefully) in a half-awake daze and then head over to your closet and are faced with a choice, what on earth are you going to wear to class. I know I speak for myself and my roommate, at least, when I say choosing your day's clothes is not a fun experience, especially early in the morning. Should you spend the extra time it takes to pick out a decent outfit or get in some last-minute sleeping in and wear your pajamas?

At the beginning of the year, I had always thought I would never dress too down for class and always try and wear something semi-stylish.  After talking to some of my older girlfriends at SMU, they all laughed and told me within only a few weeks I'd abandon my fashion plan and be wearing Nike shorts and over sized t-shirts in no time. While I have began to wear my gym clothes athletic wear one or two days a week, I still am going to try and spend some time in the morning to make myself look, at the least, presentable.

On any given day on the boulevard, one can look around and find an enormous range in what people are choosing to wear. While occasionally you can spot a few who seem to have literally just woken up from a deep sleep and rolled out of bed, everyone, for the most part, seems to put a little effort in to their appearance. And likewise, you'll find your share of perfectly coiffed and matched girls on their way to class. No one seems to put too much importance on how they or their classmates look or are dressed, which is nice and most of it just seems to come down to personal opinion. So, are you one of the people who take pride in always looking sharp to class or do you find our outfit irrelevant for the day ahead? 

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I posted a comment on Hamilton's blog post regarding the American drinking age. 

Sarah Palin - Queen of Controversy

A lot has been said about John McCain's recent vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin.  Before her jump into the spotlight, this unknown Alaskan governor probably never dreamed of the media frenzy she spark. It seems as if everyone has an opinion on this woman, and a very strong one in fact. Love her or hate her, has the "Palin Mania" gone too far?

Some of the leading Palin critics come from Hollywood and have enjoyed plugging their disapproval McCain's choice in any possible situation. Tina Fey's biting impersonation on Saturday Night Live portrayed her as a redneck with a highly distinctive accent and brought in record viewing numbers for the popular satirical show. Film star Matt Damon has a joined the celebrity chorus and calls the pick a "disaster." There are countless online spoofs of Sarah Palin and her family. Just try googling her name and see what comes up.

Check out the SNL skit:

I know that our right to freedom of speech is at the very heart of our democracy, but there is a very possible chance that this lady could be the Vice President of the United States.  If we can't even stand together to at least bear with Sarah Palin, how can we expect the rest of the world to take us seriously?  I say we keep our mouths shut for the moment and speak at the polls this November

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Game Opener

As I sat watching the Dallas Cowboys victoriously triumph over the Cleveland Browns this afternoon, I began to wonder how important sports act as a connector between people across the globe.  In such a diverse world we live in, it seems as if sports could be one of the very few universal commonalities we share.  As an avid Cowboys fan, the game-day experience has long been one of my favorite weekend traditions.  Sitting in the stands, in my navy and silver Tony Romo jersey, I often look around and note the varying people in the crowd.  Other than our love of "America's Team", the other thousands of spectators filling the seats have very little else in common.  Fans range from the ages 4 to 84, accounting for many religions, economic groups political ideals and localities.  Yet we all are drawn together, even for just a few hours, by our love of football.

Of coarse, this concept does not start and end with Dallas football.  Secretary-General Kofi Annan describes sports as "the world's universal language."  The Olympics held this summer is another showcase of the world coming together to compete and appreciate athletic talent. During the es, the world's most powerful democratic leaders were joined with some of histories most oppressive dictators to rally for their countries athletes.  No other world event could ever bring about this type of world unity, even if only shortlived.

Whether its the millions of world-wide soccer World Cup viewers or the Friday night football high school football game of a small Southern town, the love of sports has been and will always continue to be a uniting force.