Monday, December 8, 2008

Adderall - Miracle Pill?

Exams are here and it seems like everyone is feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed. With the final exams worth a large portion of our final grade, these tests have a huge impact on an entire semester's worth of work and time. I know that I for one have been having lots of late-night cramming sessions in Fondren and have seen maybe of my classmates there looking equally exhausted and loaded with books. Its not uncommon to hear that someone has been up all night before a test after taking an Adderall, even though they aren't prescribed by their doctor. Is this a bad or fair?

Adderall is a pill that helps the brain control its ability to focus and pay attention. Millions diagnosed with ADD or ADHD are prescribed and the pill helps them to work and study better and millions more unprescribed users, mostly college students, have been using Adderall to help them pass. Many of my friends who are both prescribed and unprescribed have been taking them in the past few days to help study for exams.

Is it fair or okay for those undiagnosed with ADD or ADHD to take Adderall? Have any of you noticed or seen your friends give or sell these pills?