Sunday, September 28, 2008

Clothes Call - Dress up or dress down?

It's 8 in the morning and your suddenly woken by your vibrating cell phone alarm. You spend the next five minutes brushing your teeth (hopefully) in a half-awake daze and then head over to your closet and are faced with a choice, what on earth are you going to wear to class. I know I speak for myself and my roommate, at least, when I say choosing your day's clothes is not a fun experience, especially early in the morning. Should you spend the extra time it takes to pick out a decent outfit or get in some last-minute sleeping in and wear your pajamas?

At the beginning of the year, I had always thought I would never dress too down for class and always try and wear something semi-stylish.  After talking to some of my older girlfriends at SMU, they all laughed and told me within only a few weeks I'd abandon my fashion plan and be wearing Nike shorts and over sized t-shirts in no time. While I have began to wear my gym clothes athletic wear one or two days a week, I still am going to try and spend some time in the morning to make myself look, at the least, presentable.

On any given day on the boulevard, one can look around and find an enormous range in what people are choosing to wear. While occasionally you can spot a few who seem to have literally just woken up from a deep sleep and rolled out of bed, everyone, for the most part, seems to put a little effort in to their appearance. And likewise, you'll find your share of perfectly coiffed and matched girls on their way to class. No one seems to put too much importance on how they or their classmates look or are dressed, which is nice and most of it just seems to come down to personal opinion. So, are you one of the people who take pride in always looking sharp to class or do you find our outfit irrelevant for the day ahead? 


Britney Spears said...
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Britney Spears said...

I agree with a lot of what you're saying and my roommate and I actually discussed this problem recently. While walking to class, I see girls who look absolutely perfect. From their make up to their hair to their outfits, they're flawless. I have an 8 A.M. class and finding an outfit at 7:30 is no fun. Your blog brings up a really good point, should your appearance in class matter? When you think about it, no, but at SMU, I can't help but feel like it does.

hunter01 said...

I understand your dilemma, because I love to dress up each day too! I feel so much better about myself walking down the street in a pretty dress than I do in sweat pants and a sweat-shirt. I am sure that most people feel this way, but I also think their are ways to avoid stressing in the morning. There are so many other important things to be stressed out about in college that I do not think picking out a " cute" outfit each morning should be. Maybe you should lay out your outfit the night before class so you are composed and ready for class.

Paris Hilton said...

Mrs. Mayer, I totally agree with this post. I think wayyy too much emphasis is put on student's outward appearance. Despite the fact that I think it's ridiculous how important the outfit you wear to class has become, I still find myself standing in front of my closet for a lot longer than I should every morning. Even if i ultimately choose nike shorts (which I do probably three times a week) I still feel pressure to at least but some effort into my appearance. Why? I don't have the answer to that, but I think it brings up an interesting point. Good blog!

Anonymous said...

Balance is the key here. If you find yourself obsessing to the point that you try on three or four outfits before settling on one to wear out the door, you are perhaps too dependent on your clothes to help get you through the day. But putting a little thought and effort into your outfit can boost your self-confidence, contributing to your success, maybe even on a test--provided you have studied. And not caring at all is a sign of depression.